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Gordon Wood

About Me

I've been painting pictures all my life and now that seems to be a lot of years seeing I am now retired from my other lifes work. I can therefore now devote all the time I want to my art.

I have exhibited at various exhibitions in the past and have sold paintings here and there.

I have done craft fairs and that kind of thing selling my paintings but these were all put behind me due to a life changing move from my home town a couple years ago. However I have never stopped painting and I believe this to be my true lifes work.


I am mostly self taught although I did study for about 2 years under a wonderful art teacher in adult education classes. I am so grateful to those classes as they helped to enhanced my techniques and devolope my own style.

I guess if I was to be asked what is my style I would have to say I'm a colourist and by that I would mean I love to use colour in my paintings.

I see so much colour in life and in the landscapes which surround us I have this overwhelming desire to try to capture in paintings. I mostly do landscapes and seascapes but sometimes turn my hand to anything I get the impluse to paint.


I hope I do justice to the things I paint and I hope you enjoy my work.


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